Thanks for the quick answer.

>The "Offix" name is a typo.  I have fixed this in upstream CVS.
>However, this is only a cosmetic issue--the name will not in any
>way affect the driver behaviour.  Did you only correct the spelling
>in printers.xml, or did you make other changes?

No I did not. Interestingly, the installation did only find the printer once I
changed this name???? 

>If the jobs are getting "stuck" in the queue, then CUPS should
>provide you with a reason why.

That is what I thought but it was just stuck on 22%

> You can also set LogLevel to
>debug in cupsd.conf and restart cups to make it log in detail
>the cause of all printing failures.  Could you check that for me?

E [05/Apr/2009:16:10:23 +1000] PID 11231 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/texttops) stopped
with status 1!
E [05/Apr/2009:16:10:23 +1000] [Job 43] Unable to open
/usr/share/cups/charsets/utf-8: No such file or directory
E [05/Apr/2009:16:10:23 +1000] [Job 43] Job stopped due to filter errors.
E [05/Apr/2009:16:10:23 +1000] PID 11236 (/usr/lib/cups/backend/parallel)
crashed on signal 9!
E [05/Apr/2009:18:13:30 +1000] Purge-Jobs: Unauthorized

>A copy of your printers.conf and the PPD file from
>/etc/cups/ppd/<queue> would also be helpful to have.
<Printer epson>
Info EPSON Stylus Office TX300F
Location Local Printer
DeviceURI parallel:/dev/lp0
State Idle
StateTime 1239012070
Accepting Yes
Shared Yes
JobSheets none none
QuotaPeriod 0
PageLimit 0
KLimit 0
OpPolicy default
ErrorPolicy stop-printer

What I find in/etc/cups/ppd/ is a very long ppd file. I essentailly copied 
stp-escp2-of-tx300f.5.2.ppd to /etc/cups/ppd/epson.ppd




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