#include <hallo.h>
* Stuart Pook [Tue, Mar 24 2009, 11:25:40PM]:
> hello Eduard
> On 23/03/09 20:33, Eduard Bloch wrote:
>> And why do you remove the stuff, did you at least look inside that file?
>> Because the answer to your question is/was most likely inside.
> I checked my backups. backends_debian & backends_ubuntu were both empty 
> before I removed them. When I remove them and run "dpkg-reconfigure 
> apt-cacher-ng" I get an empty backends_ubuntu. backends_debian is not 
> recreated.
>> $ grep resolving /var/log/apt-cacher-ng/apt-cacher.err
> :; cat  /var/log/apt-cacher-ng/apt-cacher.err
> Mon Mar 16 04:31:08 2009|Error resolving debrep: 503 DNS error: Name or 
> service not known
> Tue Mar 17 04:31:08 2009|Error resolving debrep: 503 DNS error: Name or 
> service not known

Okay, this is a little bit tricky now. Since the backends list is empty
(i.e. absent in config line or the include list file is missing/empty),
the internal cache-to-weblocation resolver does not know the real
hostname and as last resort it assumes that "debrep" itself is the

Originally, this case has been forseen and there is a solution (making
internal notes of the original URL from the most recent download of an
index file). However, few last versions in Debian unstable were buggy
and stored a broken URL. I hopped that this would not become a problem
for anybody but apparently I figured wrong.

To check if the assumption is true, please run 
$ find /var/cache/apt-cacher-ng/debrep/dists/ -name '*Packages.bz2.head' | 
xargs grep X-Orig | cut -f2 -d' '
and probably there are some invalid URLs (without hostname) in that

The IMO simpliest way to repair that is: add one line containing
to the backends_debian file (or just to
acfg.conf). This is basically the same action that the
truncate-and-dpkg-reconfigure method would do by fishing the URL from
sources.list. AFAICS you tried that method before, but I have no
explanation why it does not work for you. I just tried to reproduce:

$ > /etc/apt-cacher-ng/backends_debian
$ dpkg-reconfigure apt-cacher-ng
Stopping apt-cacher-ng: apt-cacher-ng.
Starting apt-cacher-ng: apt-cacher-ng
$ grep fr.deb /etc/apt-cacher-ng/backends_debian
-> works just fine
$ zgrep ftp.fr.debian.org /usr/lib/apt-cacher-ng/deb_mirrors.gz | sort -u
Archive-upstream: ftp.fr.debian.org
Site: ftp.fr.debian.org
-> the mirror is in the list (used by dpkg-reconfigure call to verify 

Btw, if you like, you can remove that backends line later after the
metadata has been repaired.

>> http://proxyHost/ftp.XY.debian.org/debian/... ; if that's not relevant
> this is what I use. This works. I just want the auto expiry to work.
>> I don't know your setup in detail. Which hostname did it try to resolve?
> I don't (didn't) know, that is the problem.

Okay... I changed the code for the next release to print the name from
the failed lookup immediately, this should make the problem
identification easier.

Sorry for inconvinience,

<LGS> Halloechen, ihr Spinner, so frueh auf?
<nusse> nein, wir schlafen alle im kollektiv
<knorke> mein alkoven ist kaputt
<teq> alkohol kaputt?

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