On Sun, 8 Mar 2009, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:

Allin, would you know anything about this?  Looking at INSTALL and
configure.ac suggests that gretl only want gnuplot but not a particular
A quick glance at http://packages.debian.org/gnuplot that one must try really
hard to get an older gnuplot.  Also, strictly speaking, gnuplot is just a

I can't quite convince myself whether this is a user error of upgrading parts
of the system but not others.  In any case, I'll put a simple versioned
Depends of the type

        gnuplot (>= 4.2)

into the metadata for Debian's gretl to precent use with version 4.0.

Thanks, Dirk
I think we need not only to upgrade the dependency to 4.2, but also to 
strengthen it to "needs". Gretl's reliance on gnuplot has grown 
considerably through time.

Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti
Dipartimento di Economia
Università Politecnica delle Marche


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