On Mon, 05 May 2008 18:47:05 +0200 Moritz Muehlenhoff wrote:

> http://idssi.enyo.de/tracker/status/release/stable lists all no-dsa issues by 
> default,
> which is confusing for users.

Why should this be confusing for users?

As a user, I want to be aware of all known vulnerabilities that are
actually present in the stable (or testing, or unstable) suite of
Debian.  Even of those for which no DSA is planned.

Hence, I think that
*should* by default show all vulnerabilities, including no-DSA ones.

In other words, I am personally happy with the current behavior:
suite-overview pages show all vulnerabilities by default, but a link is
provided for hiding no-DSA ones.

> They can still be displayed through the link.

This is of paramount importance, IMHO.
There should be a URL that shows *all* known vulnerabilities for a
given suite (stable, testing, unstable, ...), including no-DSA ones.

As I said above, I think this URL should be the default (option-less)

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..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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