Package: gv
Version: 3.6.5-2


I would like to add some larger page sizes to the GV menus but
currently fail because GV thinks the config file belongs to an
older version.

My problem is that copying the current system configuration
also results in the same error messages.

$ cp /usr/share/gv/ ~/.Xresources/GV

$ gv
gv Error: incompatible resources.
One of the files
belongs to an older version of gv and can not be used.
Please remove or update the outdated file.
Quite probable your ~/.gv is too old.
Running gv-update-userconfig should help
by removing all incomatible resources.

The same happens for another config file:

$ cp /usr/share/gv/ ~/.gv

Older versions of gv understood such files.
It would be nice if they would do so again.



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