On Fri, 27 Feb 2009, Francois Marier wrote:

> Hi Leonardo,
> Can you tell us what your PHP include_path is set to in your php config?
> (normally /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini)

include_path is commented out , that is:

;include_path = ".:/usr/share/php"

> Also, can you paste in the values you've got in your config.php for
> these variables:
>   $CFG->wwwroot
>   $CFG->dirroot
>   $CFG->dataroot

 $CFG->wwwroot = 'http://********.it';
 $CFG->dirroot = '/usr/share/moodle';
 $CFG->dataroot = '/home/moodle';

(wwwroot is the correct domain for the site)

note that an assign for $CFG->libdir is completely missing, but is
referenced by change_password_forms.php.
so il would affect also other searches.
IMPORTANT: i did a fresh install on another server and also this one does
not have this variable .... 
also i found in change_password.php:

   // require proper login; guest can not change password
    // TODO: add change password capability so that we can prevent
participants from changing password
    if (empty($USER->id) or isguestuser() or
has_capability('moodle/legacy:guest', $systemcontext, $USER->id, false)) {
        if (empty($SESSION->wantsurl)) {
            $SESSION->wantsurl =
it looks that this exit from here ....

> Regarding the other problem you had with formslib not being able to
> include Quickform, you could try the following.
> In lib/formslib.php around line 25, change:
> if (FALSE===strstr(ini_get('include_path'), $CFG->libdir.'/pear' )){
>     ini_set('include_path', $CFG->libdir.'/pear' . PATH_SEPARATOR .
> ini_get('include_path'));
> }
> to be just:
> ini_set('include_path', $CFG->libdir.'/pear' . PATH_SEPARATOR .
> ini_get('include_path'));
> (i.e. remove the IF statement)
> Cheers,
> Francois

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