Jacob, What options did you pass to GNAT when compiling?
I tried with your UTF-8 files and with the following command line: gnatmake -O2 -gnatiw -gnatW8 test_315416.adb The results are a little surprising. 3.15p-12 and 4.0.0-2 both crash because of #312621 (aka PR19519). With 3.15p-13, which fixes #312621, the output contains only lowercase letters. This is the opposite of what you obtained. My locale is fr_FR.UTF-8, but I don't think it matters; what matters is whether or not you passed -gnatiw (enable wide characters) and -gnatW8 (use UTF-8 external encoding). -- Ludovic Brenta. deb http://www.ada-france.org/debian ada main deb-src http://www.ada-france.org/debian ada main