OK, I meanwile downgraded to the last working version (a woody
backport from www.backports.org) -- so I had to re-upgrade :-)

>>>>> "L" == Ludovic Rousseau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 L> Le Wednesday 22 June 2005 à 09:48:58, Hubert Palme a écrit:
 >> >>>>> "L" == Ludovic Rousseau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
 L> Is the problem only related to ü or to something else? You should see
 L> some text in the error message, what is it?
 >> With "UTF: Latin 1, Western Europe (CP1252)" the umlauts are rendered
 >> correctly.

 L> That is what I was expecting.

 >> As for the messages I get, I attach a log file. Perhaps
 >> that will help you. The contents seems to be binary -- the typical
 >> appearence of a buffer overflow?

 L> I guess one of your database is corrupted. Can you try to move ~/.jpilot
 L> to ~/.jpilot.backup and start jpilot and sync again?

The same after sync. I enclose the log.

That there may be a corrupt database alarms me. Are you an
experienced Palm user? How can I find it out and repair?


Dipl.-Math. Hubert Palme        Bergische Universitaet Wuppertal
                                      Computing  Center
                                      D-42097 Wuppertal
E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]             (Germany)

Attachment: jpilot.log
Description: Binary data

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