Package: pydb Version: 1.25-1 Hi,
the pydb.links file contains the following: usr/share/python-support/pydb/pydb/ usr/bin/pydb With the upcoming version of python-support (currently in experimental), this link will be broken, since the files are now moved to a different directory (/usr/share/pyshared). It does not prevent the package from building, but the resulting package will be non-functional. I suggest to do either of the following: * prepare in experimental a package that uses /usr/share/pyshared.pydb/ instead * wait for python-support to go to unstable and upload such a package just after * replace the link with a wrapper script that looks for the correct module location using the Python functionality (e.g. the -m option of the interpreter) Thanks, -- .''`. Debian 5.0 "Lenny" has been released! : :' : `. `' Last night, Darth Vader came down from planet Vulcan and told `- me that if you don't install Lenny, he'd melt your brain.
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