On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 01:43:11PM +0000, Justin B Rye wrote:

> I'm treating this as a token bug against debtags since there isn't a
> debtags-vocabulary pseudopackage to report bugs against, and my
> posts to the mailinglist have had no effect.
>  - The :data: in made-of::data:* is vestigial.
>       All of these tags should be directly under made-of::.

I've fixed this today.  This now requires the upload of a new version of
the 'debtags' package with an updated vocabulary, which I'll do in a
couple of days.

>  - culture:: is misnamed and misorganised.
>       Three and a half years since I first complained about it and
>       there's _still_ no way to tag British English dictionaries,
>       etcetera.  We already have a clearly defined ISO-standard
>       namespace for this; it's called locales.

I've added culture::british, and I'm puzzled as of why I didn't do it
before.  I'm very sorry about it.

I know that the culture::* facet is just wrong, but locales don't work
like tags (i.e. if I search "it", I'd expect it to match it_IT, which
won't happend with tags), so I'm reluctant to use them.

Ideally, we should have a proper Locale: field in the package
information, and after that we should remove the culture::* tag for
good.  However, I regret I do not have the time to lead the proposal of
introducing a Locale: package field, although I'd surely endorse it if
someone else wants to champion it.

Until that happens, I'm afraid I cannot think of a better compromise
than the culture facet.

>  - filetransfer:: is an entire superfluous facet.
>       It all belongs under protocol::.

Indeed, and I now noticed that some time ago we even created the
corresponding protocol::* tags, so now I just need to rename the
filetransfer::* tags to protocol::* and get rid of filetransfer::*.


>  - Many tags are redundantly available under different facets.
>       This makes consistent tagging harder, which makes searching
>       harder.

These should probably be seen on a case-by-case basis, as sometimes I
can't see a way to get rid of the redundancy without compromising some
substantial use case: for example, we've just had a similar discussion
about the role::devel-lib / devel::library redundanci (see [1], towards
the end).


Note: I have not forgotten your "griping omnibus" message of some time
ago.  I'm now wondering if I should close this bug and turn that
message into other bug reports, or if we should continue to keep this
bug open until all the issues you raise/raised are satisfied.  I'll
leave the decision up to you.



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