Chris Waters dijo [Mon, Jun 20, 2005 at 05:55:56AM -0700]:
> > > No problem for me. But It could give little problems. On one of my
> > > machines a was beholden to remove /usr/share/doc directory, it broke my
> > > ldap-account-manager installation.
> > 
> > Note: /usr/share/PACKAGE/www, not /usr/share/doc/PACKAGE/www.
> > Removing /usr/share/doc should not impact this web suggestion.
> And what happens if my WebApp package is named "doc"?  Or "applnk"?  Or
> "keymaps" or "locale" or "pixmaps" or "zoneinfo"?
> While /usr/share/* is not the world's most overloaded namespace, its
> overloaded enough to cause me some concern, and if there are any
> reasonable alternatives (and I think there are), I would recommend
> using one instead.

Well... There's the stated goal (sorry, don't have references handy -
[1]) to move over to /srv for Etch - We could start the tradition of
using /srv/webapp/ (in order to diferentiate for, say, /srv/www/ for
static content). How does this sound?

[1] But I found the thread starting at 

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