On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 02:16:18PM -0500, Simon Valiquette wrote:
>   By the way, I noticed that the compiler warned that eboard was linked  
> with a number of apparently unnecessary libraries like libpango. For  
> Lenny, it is best to keep it like it is now, but it would be a good idea  
> to look at it for Lenny+1.

Pango is part of GTK+ and automatically pulled in by pkg-config.

Okay, I think I found the real culprit. In various places, network.cc
limits output to non-control characters by comparing with 0x20. On x86,
char is signed and 0xFF will be (-1), thus being treated as control
character. On ppc, chars are unsigned AFAIK, and 0xFF will be (255), and
passed on to the rest of the code.

    154     if (buffer.front()>=32)
    219       if (c>=0x20)
    294       if (c>=0x20)

My fix for the time being would be to duplicate behaviour as on x86,
using signed chars everywhere (as I suspect that other bugs might arise
otherwise). A patch to the source package is attached, would you please
try if that fixes the problem?

Kind regards,
--- eboard-1.1.1/debian/rules~	2009-01-22 21:14:25.000000000 +0100
+++ eboard-1.1.1/debian/rules	2009-01-22 21:15:05.000000000 +0100
@@ -8,7 +8,8 @@
 configure: configure-stamp
 configure-stamp: patch-stamp
-	./configure --prefix=/usr --data-prefix=/usr/share/games --man-prefix=/usr/share/man
+	./configure --prefix=/usr --data-prefix=/usr/share/games \
+	    --man-prefix=/usr/share/man --extra-flags=-fsigned-char
 	touch configure-stamp

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