
Le Sat, Dec 27, 2008 at 08:02:59PM +0100, Simon Paillard écrivait :
> Unfortunately, it's still difficult to reach you.
> The mirror is now 6 days late, local trace file has not been fixed.
> Applying the changes in order to have the mirror ready for the list need
> about 10 minutes of time (even the adoption of the new script set), so
> that would be great if you can apply them :)
> See tracking at http://bugs.debian.org/423386
> In the case no news are received, the bug will be closed as is within a
> few weeks.

Sorry for the long delay... We have actually a lot of high priorities
task. As you may know, Georgia had some difficulties during summer,
but more importantly our server will move to a new location and will
be hosted in a new domain name.

We are aware of this change since a year, but our local sysadm has not
yet all the informations which will allow to move our server and

The move and the update should (will, could, ...:-) be made quikly (a
matter of 2/3 week) but Georgia has a very strange definition for the
word "delay" .... :-(

Bonne année et grande 2009, qui verra la Géorgie se sortir de ses
problèmes politiques ! (en adoptant Debian massivement, j'espère :-))


% henri-pierre.char...@uvsq.fr Laboratoire PRiSM, 
% Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin en Yvelines
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