also sprach Guido Günther <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008.12.05.1009 +0100]:
> You can't terminate this with "ctrl-alt-]"? Works here. Can you make
> sure your system really *has* output on the serial console by looking
> at the /dev/pts/X yourself? You can find out the pty by looking at
> /var/log/libvirt/qemu/<yourvm>.log - it should be the last second pty
> listed. The first one is the monitor pty.

How do you suggest that I look at the /dev/pts/X for output?

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>      Related projects:
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 the honest effort he has made to find out the truth, is what
 constitutes the worth of man."
                                                   -- gotthold lessing

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