Hi Max

Thanks for testing. IMO the situation is now much more clear. I'm happy 
that you confirmed that the patched kernel fixes the problem with the
X server in lenny. 

On Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 02:35:36AM +0300, Max Dmitrichenko wrote:
> Package: xserver-xorg-core
> Version: 2:1.5.2-1
> Followup-For: Bug #500358
> I've installed the xserver-xorg 1.5 and mach64 driver from experimental
> and tested it with:
>  1) Current lenny's kernel
>  2) Gaudenz's patched kernel
>  3) etchnhalf kernel (2.6.24)
> All the tests have the same negative result. Log attached.
> So, I see current situation in this light:
> 1) There is a regression or incompatible modification in current lenny's
>    kernel that hits current lenny's mach64 driver on sparc64.
> 2) There is a regression in both lenny and expiremental mach64 driver.
>    It is somehow related to mmaping the aperture. It appears:
>     a) for lenny's version: only when kernel regression fixed
>     b) for experimental version: always.

I think the failure of the experimental driver is a separate bug. 
You should file a separate bug report about this issue and probably 
also ask on the [EMAIL PROTECTED] for help.

Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter.
Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
~ Samuel Beckett ~

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