Attached is an updated patch for the 1:3.2.5-1 version. Below I explain the changes I made. All are minor, of course.
> 15c15 > < start|reload|restart|force-reload) > --- > > start|restart|force-reload) It is not required to support the "reload" option and there seems to be no reason to do so here. > 20c20 > < if [ "$VERBOSE" = "no" ] > --- > > if [ "$VERBOSE" != "yes" ] Below the test is for "$VERBOSE" = "yes" so here should be the negative of that. > 25c25 > < echo "Setting kernel variables ..." > --- > > echo "Start setting kernel variables via /proc..." Policy 9.4 advises not to put a space between the last word and the ellipsis. "via /proc" gives an indication of which package (viz., procps) is printing this message. > 32,33c32,33 > < echo "... done." > < fi > --- > > echo "Done setting kernel variables via /proc." > > fi This is more readable IMHO. > 35c35 > < stop|show) > --- > > stop) The "show" option is non-standard, not documented, and a no-op. > 38,39c38,39 > < echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/ > {start|stop|reload|restart}" >&2 > < exit 1 > --- > > echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/ > > {start|stop|restart|force-reload}" >&2 > > exit 3 > 43d42 No need to support "reload". "force-reload", on the other hand, is a required option. LSB prescribes exit status 3 in this case. -- Thomas Hood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
15c15 < start|reload|restart|force-reload) --- > start|restart|force-reload) 20c20 < if [ "$VERBOSE" = "no" ] --- > if [ "$VERBOSE" != "yes" ] 25c25 < echo "Setting kernel variables ..." --- > echo "Start setting kernel variables via /proc..." 32,33c32,33 < echo "... done." < fi --- > echo "Done setting kernel variables via /proc." > fi 35c35 < stop|show) --- > stop) 38,39c38,39 < echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/ {start|stop|reload|restart}" >&2 < exit 1 --- > echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/ {start|stop|restart|force-reload}" >&2 > exit 3 43d42 <