On Sun, Jun 12, 2005 at 12:32:10PM +1000, Brian May wrote: > >>>>> "Brian" == Brian May <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > > Brian> [1 <text/plain; US-ASCII (7bit)>] > >>>>> "Geert" == Geert Stappers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > > Geert> Could you provide a link to diary.docbook? > > Brian> This isn't the same file but the attached file demonstrates > Brian> the same problem: > > Hello, > > I have not received any response. Does this indicate that you cannot > reproduce the problem, that you don't have time to debug it, or that > you didn't get my test file for some reason?
The test file can be retrieved by wget http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi/diary2.docbook?bug=310148\&msg=9\&att=1 The first reproduce attempt reported: | $ xmlto ps diary2.docbook\?bug\=310148\&msg\=9\&att\=1 | Making portrait pages on a4 paper (210 mm x 297 mm) | PassiveTeX is needed for this format, but it is not installed. Please | install the passivetex package. Having PassiveTeX installed, I get a PostScript file without errors. With the time I spend on this bugreport, I couldn't reproduce it. Cheers Geert Stappers
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