On Sun, Jun 12, 2005 at 12:13:46AM +0100, Robert Lister wrote:
> On the first installation, it fell over with some error (I think it was some
> chown commands that it failed to run) (I have a more or less clean sarge
> build installed on Friday.)
> It DID initially put the config files in place, but refused to start
> asterisk as stuff seemed to have the wrong permissions, being installed as
> "root" instead of "asterisk"

Which files?

Any chance you tried to run 'asterisk' before that?

This starts asterisk as root and creates some files as root. A common
reason to do this is to debug the startup, which is why I have added the
option 'debug' in my version.

> I tried channging permissions on various directories etc to be owned by
> asterisk and not root, but I couldn't get it to work correctly, (even with
> my previously working asterisk config files I copied over from the old box)
> so I un-installed it and removed the various directories and tried a
> re-install.

What exactly is "re-install" ?

Those files are marked as config files. Any changes to them may be
recorded until you purge asterisk-config.


  # using a --force here because it's the least effort way of getting
        # out of the troubles
  dpkg --purge --force-depends asterisk-config
        apt-get install -f
        # or maybe:
        #apt-get install asterisk-config
        # or:
        #apt-get install asterisk

Tzafrir Cohen     icq#16849755  +972-50-7952406
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