tags 309236 + moreinfo

* Yann Dirson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) disait :
> tags 309236 + patch
> thanks
> I found an easy way to achieve this, with a small change to Config.pm
> involving an environment variable to be set by apache.
> I now have several bugzilla bases, with their configuration in
> /etc/bugzilla-<id> and data in .../web/data-<id>.
Thanks a lot fot the patch, I'm working on including it to the package.

I have a problem making it working though.
When I access the virtual host, it seems that every stuff located under
/etc/bugzilla-ID is not well parsed by Config.pm.

For instance, $db_host, $db_user and friends are not defined everywhere
else. That causes every CGI to fail the DB connection.

I'm really thinking that my problems must come from my VirtualHost
configuration, could you give me your VirtualHost configuration you used in

Here is mine (not working) :

    ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    DocumentRoot /usr/share/bugzilla/web
    ServerName bugzilla.ouranos
    SetEnv X_BUGZILLA_SITE "test"

Bugzilla::Config.pm really reads /etc/bugzilla-test/localconfig, but the 
Perl vars are not seen though.

Thanks for your help.

                                  Alexis Sukrieh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

� Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur. � 
Whatever is said in Latin sounds profound.

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