retitle 463860 [atl2] Fails to create a wifi interface
found 463860 2.6.25-1
severity 463860 important

>From version 2.6.25 of the kernel, the package atl2-modules-2.6-686 (or
rather, its dependency) does not create any wifi inteface. But I guess that
this is not 686-specific.

At boot time, I get a message printed in red like "ath0 not found".

The output of wlassistant is:

# wlassistant
Loaded application options.
All interfaces: eth0
No wireless interfaces found. Exiting.
Application options saved.
Kernel socket closed.

ifconfig only returns the interfaces eth0 and lo.

Madwifi compiles and works nicely for the kernel 2.6.26 (and 2.6.25, and I
presume for some previous versions as well).

Upgrading the bug just in case you release this package in lenny :-) What a
pity that I cannot mark the severity as grave :-)  , but I think that
severity important is justified.

Thank you.

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