Hi guys,

On Sun, 2008-07-27 at 18:23 +1200, Andrew Ruthven wrote:

> It installs, and works.  I've so far only tested using PostgreSQL on a
> fresh install.  I'm about to test SQLite, and I'll try doing an upgrade
> from my existing 3.6 install (with Pg).

SQLite works, as does upgrading a RT3.6 Pg DB (by specifying all the
upgrade directories manually).  I've made a number of changes based on
feedback from Jesse, with a few more changes on the way.

I've updated the RTFM packages as well, and there is now a rt3.8-rtfm
package in my Debian repo.  My git repo for RTFM is at:
gitweb at:

I should probably move the git repos to my personal server at some


Andrew Ruthven
Wellington, New Zealand
At home: [EMAIL PROTECTED]       |  This space intentionally
                                 |        left blank.

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