Le dimanche 27 juillet 2008 à 18:34 -0400, Michael Gilbert a écrit :
> i don't believe that epiphany-webkit is ready to be included in a stable
> release yet.  yes, it can render webpages, and now even supports plugins, 
> but there are enough issues, which are not that severe individually, but
> combined make the browser unusable.  it would be a shame for users to end 
> up having a bad experience with this alpha-quality software if it were to 
> be included in an "official" release.

I agree that epiphany-webkit is not release-quality for many reasons,
but it is still far more featured than several browsers we are already
shipping, like elinks or amaya.

> i think that the epiphany-webkit package should be hinted out of
> testing.

I don’t know if it is possible to ignore a sole binary package or if it
would be necessary to re-upload epiphany to t-p-u without the webkit
package. Frankly, I’d like to avoid the latter.

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