This message is taken from this Debian "bug" [1], which is about the
"warzone2100" package.

Jon Dowland schreef:
> Well, it seems upstream didn't freeze or release 2.1 after
> all. Since we are about to freeze, the question is, should
> warzone2100 in its current state enter Lenny? This bug will
> prevent it from doing so.

Actually, we have 2.1 feature frozen already. We haven't yet released it
though. This is because we want to "iron out" as much bugs as possible
before that. Hence the current beta stage.

Thus my question: are there any release critical bugs, which are
significant enough such that we do *not* want Warzone's current state of
the 2.1 branch to become a package in Debian's stable distro. Because
that's what entering testing before the end of this week would mean. Not
entering testing before that time, will very probably mean, not entering
stable for a long time.

What I suggest -- if there aren't any critical, blocking bugs -- is that
we "allow" Debian to propagate a snapshot of our current 2.1 tree to
testing, without requiring us to release 2.1 right away. Either that, or
we release a 5th beta specially for Debian (to include the bugfixes
since beta 4), I don't think we'd need to have any binaries for that one.

Any thoughts on this?



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