
I have attached an updated patch for the status_of_proc() function, that
we're currently carrying in Ubuntu.

I have replaced the call to pidofproc() with an invocation
of /bin/pidof.

It seems that pidofproc() will attempt to call "kill -0" on a pid, if a
pidfile is found.  This "kill" operation will only succeed if the euid
is that of the user owning the daemon, or the root user.

Querying the status of a daemon is an operation that should be
accessible by non-privileged users.  I think this is a reasonable
tradeoff.  I have tested this with modifications to the init scripts of:
(at, bind9, cron, dovecot, openssh-server, samba, sysklogd).  It works
very well.

Additionally, you mentioned the current lenny freeze.  This is a very
small, compact, standalone function within lsb-base.  This change should
not affect any existing functionality.  Would you reconsider including
this under the current freeze?  Patches to a number of init scripts are
gated upon this functionality being incorporated into lsb-base.


Dustin Kirkland
Ubuntu Server Developer
Canonical, LTD
GPG: 1024D/83A61194
diff -upr lsb.debian/lsb-3.2/init-functions lsb.ubuntu/lsb-3.2/init-functions
--- lsb.debian/lsb-3.2/init-functions	2008-05-01 10:07:37.000000000 -0500
+++ lsb.ubuntu/lsb-3.2/init-functions	2008-07-08 16:42:29.000000000 -0500
@@ -146,6 +146,26 @@ killproc () {
     return 0
+# Return LSB status
+status_of_proc () {
+    local daemon name status
+    daemon="$1"
+    name="$2"
+    status="0"
+    if [ -x /bin/pidof ]; then
+        /bin/pidof -o %PPID "$daemon" >/dev/null || status="$?"
+        if [ "$status" = 0 ]; then
+            log_success_msg "$name is running."
+        else
+            log_failure_msg "$name is not running."
+        fi
+    else
+        log_failure_msg "/bin/pidof not available."
+        status="1"
+    fi
+    return "$status"
 log_use_fancy_output () {

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