On Monday 30 May 2005 10:02 am, Keith Edmunds wrote:
> However, if I use aptitude to search for packages to be upgraded, it lists
> none:
> # aptitude search ~aupgrade

  That should search for packages that are actually in the "upgrade" state -- 
i.e., where you started the program and flagged them for upgrade, then quit 
(to save the state).  To find upgradable packages, use ~U.


/------------------- Daniel Burrows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ------------------\
|                 "You mean, you'll drop your rock and                      |
|                  I'll drop my sword and we'll just try to                 |
|                  kill one another like civilized people?"                 |
|                   -- "The Princess Bride"                                 |
\--- Be like the kid in the movie!  Play chess! -- http://www.uschess.org --/

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