> Hi,
Hello and thank you for reporting the bug.

> first of all SORRY for my mistakes in the last mail.
No problem ;)

> And, I am not 100% sure that the diff from the wordpress
> trac system, I wrote, is the patch for the bug!
> It seems so but I just had have only a quick look at it.
Unfortunately it's not the right fix, and unfortunately there's not a
right fix fort this issue.

In version 2.3.1 (or something like that) the development team
introduced a new functionality in wordpress: administrators have the
right to upload anything they want whatever the file's mime type was.
This could be a great future if you're running a single blog with
wordpress but if you use wordpress to run multiple blogs on the same
machine (each one with his administrator) things are going to be not so

I recently discussed the issue with security team and we decided it
should be better to remove the unrestricted upload functionality
mentioning this change in the NEWS file.

I've been a little busy this days but I think I'll provide the new
package within the weekend.

Thank you again.


Andrea De Iacovo

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