I think 25configure init is misunderstood by some.. or maybe it is just me!

Some time ago I wrote casper-getty which is now live-getty.
The idea is that where ever /sbin/getty appears in the default debian
inittab 25configrue init replaces it with /sbin/casper-getty (or now
/sbin/live-getty) and you get to login on the VGA console.

I then extended the idea to detect from kernel command line if a
serial console is in use.
If a serial console is in use then a serial console line is written
into the default debian /etc/inittab using /sbin/casper-getty (or now
/sbin/live-getty) and your serial console will JUST WORK!

So in summary:
Do you use casper of liveinitramfs to boot?
CASPER: Have you tried booting with "casper-getty" on the kernel command line?
LIVEINTRAMFS: Have you tried booting with "live-getty" on the kernel
command line?
NB: don't try and add a serial console line to /etc/inittab if you
boot like this...
The code in 25configure init will determine if a serial console is in
use and generate a line in /etc/inittab at boot time.

Further thoughts:
(1) I'm biased as I wrote gasper-getty/live-getty
(2) We shoul have a way to stop 25 configure init from messing with
/etc/inittab at all!
(3) if casper/live- getty was made default then we could use teh
kernel command line no-live-getty to stop 25configure init from
touching /etc/inittab at all and then it would be down to the
live-image builder to configure /etc/inittab in teh chroot as they see

Just some thought!!!
Alex Owen

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