tags 351169 - moreinfo - unreproducible + upstream
merge 351169 455527

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Norman Ramsey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: vendredi 16 mai 2008 23:33

> > We're on to something here. Could it be that your particular setup not
> > dynamically generates the profile files, but passes -'path' parameters
> > unison-gtk on the command line? If this is the case, that's the
> > explanation.
> Yes!  I use the -path option 100% of the time :-)
> > And, after more careful thinking, does your setup add '-root'
> > parameters to unison-gtk?
> Yes.  I never use unison-gtk directly; instead I have a rather complex
> and scary wrapper.  Partly this is because Unison scales very badly to
> controlling 6 replicas with different requirements.  I have had
> lengthy conversations with Benjamin Pierce about better ways to handle
> this problem, but Benjamin can't get any more 'research credit' for
> work on Unison, and changes would be required to the part of the code
> he fears most.  A pity, but there it is.

I'm glad we solved this.

> > Why 'restart' and 'restart' are mapped to different functions is an 
> > excellent question I plan to raise upstream. See
> > http://bugs.debian.org/455527 

> Perfect.  Perhaps the two bugs should be merged?

Right, the two do stem from the same counter-intuitive 'restart' feature.

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