Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb am 15.05.2008, 
18:59 Uhr:

Hi Felipe,

thanks for your very quick reply!
Meanwhile I made some more tests (see below)

>       There is a new 3.0.62 version of lifelines that fixes
> encoding conversion for GEDCOM, pedigree, and GEDCOM text modes.
> Would it be possible that your GEDCOM files falls under this
> problem?

That migt be possible. I used to have lifeline 3.0.50-2 (etch) and
locale was set to ISO-8859-15 and the datebase was also ISO-8859-15.
>       I have plans to upload the new lifelines in the next
> days, it should happened months ago, but unfortunately real
> life got me.

oh I understand :-)... anyway if the new version is ok, we should not 
waste time with this one...
> > The (german) output of the log-file says:
> > | Verhängnisvoller Fehler: 2008-05-15-19:00:45Z
> > |    in Datei <keytonod.c>, Zeile 1210
> > |    Aktuelle Datenbank: /home/ulrich/LifeLines/Databases/test

means 'fatal error in file <keytonod.c>, line 1210
current database: /home/ulrich/LifeLines/Databases/test

>  * Does it works with other GEDCOMfiles?
>  * Can you tell me the steps to reproduce this error? It would
>    be great if you can list it like:
>    1) Open lifelines using $ llines
>    2) Create a database
>       Path: /tmp/foo-database-gedcom
>  * Can you provide the GEDCOM file that you used?
what I did (and it can be reproduced by 100%):

1) simply copy the database from lifelines 3.0.50-2
produced the crash (at this point I was not so surprised as I knew
the difference in encoding)

2) made an .ged export from my 3.0.50.-2 database, converted the .ged
file to UTF-8, opened a new blank database (UTF-8) and read the .ged
file. Unfortunately the result was exactly the same: I could open the
database by 'llines test', hit 'b', choosed '1! --> crash.

3) created a brand new database,
   - enter first person -ok
   - enter second person -ok
   - try to make second person spouse of first person -> 'failure in
     memory access' (program stops)
     The .ged export of this database is:
       0 HEAD
       1 SOUR LIFELINES 3.0.61
       1 DEST ANY
       1 DATE 16 MAY 2008
       2 TIME 21:21
       1 SUBM
       1 GEDC
       2 VERS 5.5
       1 CHAR UTF-8
       0 @I1@ INDI
       1 NAME first /person/
       1 SEX M
       1 BIRT
       2 DATE 01 Jan 1960
       2 PLAC Berlin
       0 @I2@ INDI
       1 NAME second /person/
       1 SEX F
       1 BIRT
       2 DATE 02 Jan 1970
       2 PLAC Munich
       0 TRLR

4) as it was obviously not possible to marry the two persons ;-) in
lifelines, I did it manually by editing the .ged file as follows:

       0 HEAD
       1 SOUR LIFELINES 3.0.61
       1 DEST ANY
       1 DATE 16 MAY 2008
       2 TIME 21:21
       1 SUBM
       1 GEDC
       2 VERS 5.5
       1 CHAR UTF-8
       0 @F1@ FAM
       1 HUSB @I1@
       1 WIFE @I2@
       1 MARR
       2 DATE 01 Apr 2000
       2 PLAC Rome
       0 @I1@ INDI
       1 NAME first /person/
       1 SEX M
       1 BIRT
       2 DATE 01 Jan 1960
       2 PLAC Berlin
       1 FAMS @F1@
       0 @I2@ INDI
       1 NAME second /person/
       1 SEX F
       1 BIRT
       2 DATE 02 Jan 1970
       2 PLAC Munich
       1 FAMS @F1@
       0 TRLR

means I just added the @F1@ FAM lines and the FAMS marker.
So finally I created my third database 'test2' and by 'u' --> 'r' I read
this gedcom file. Reading is ok but moving to one person by 'b' --> '1'
crashes the programm as described.

That was a lot of text, but at the end, the problem is 3) it is not
possible to marry the persons and 4) it not possible to show one person.

BTW: I also tried all this with a ISO-8859-1 encoded database (by
hitting 'u' --> 'o' and typing "codeset=ISO-8859-1" (without the
quotation marks :-)), but it was all the same.

Hope that helps a little bit.


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