Hi, Christian

I will update this package on this weekend.

Jose Carlos

2008/5/16 Christian Perrier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Dear maintainer of xbanner and Debian translators,
> Some days ago, I sent a notice to the maintainer of the xbanner Debian
> package, mentioning the status of at least one old po-debconf translation 
> update in the BTS.
> I announced the intent to build and possibly upload a non-maintainer upload
> for this package in order to fix this long-time pending localization
> bug as well as all other pending translations.
> The package maintainer agreed for the NMU or did not respond in two
> weeks, so I will proceed with the NMU.
> The full planned schedule is available at the end of this mail.
> The package is currently translated to:
> cs da de es fr ja nl pt pt_BR ru sv vi
> Among these, the following translations are incomplete: <none>
> If you did any of the, currently incomplete, translations you will get
> ANOTHER mail with the translation to update.
> Other translators also have the opportunity to create new translations
> for this package. Once completed, please send them as a bug report
> against the xbanner package so I can incorporate them in the build.
> The deadline for receiving updates and new translations is Sunday, May 25, 
> 2008. If you
> are not in time you can always send your translation to the BTS.
> The POT file is attached to this mail.
> If the maintainer objects to this process I will immediately abort my NMU
> and send him/her all updates I receive.
> Otherwise the following will happen (or already has):
>  Monday, May 05, 2008   : send the first intent to NMU notice to
>                 the package maintainer.
>  Friday, May 16, 2008       : send this notice
>  Friday, May 23, 2008       : deadline for receiving translation updates
>  Sunday, May 25, 2008       : build the package and upload it to DELAYED/2-day
>                 send the NMU patch to the BTS
>  Tuesday, May 27, 2008       : NMU uploaded to incoming
> Thanks for your efforts and time.
> --
> --
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
> iD8DBQFILSfE1OXtrMAUPS0RAv4/AKCWuSppxuZymj5Cx1+9f5oaRm6hZACfZgdX
> g2YngmGcMsMyNmWR+Ql1bwU=
> =tqwG

José Carlos

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