[Frank Ganske]
> Since 4/15/2008, I get following message after any svn connection:
> $ svn up
> svn: PROPFIND request failed on '/svn/xxxxxxxxx'
> svn: PROPFIND of '/svn/xxxxxxxxx': SSL negotiation failed: Connection 
> reset by peer (https://yyyyyyyyy.com)

I'm a bit suspicious, as "connection reset by peer" is usually a server
problem, or a proxy/firewall problem between the client and the server.

Can you do a test with a different server?

  svn ls https://svn.collab.net/repos/svn/trunk

If you have an SSL svn server on your local network (so firewalls
cannot get in the way), that would be a good test too.

Peter Samuelson | org-tld!p12n!peter | http://p12n.org/

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