tags 478099 moreinfo unreproducible

DamentZ wrote:
Package: network-manager
Version: 0.6.6-1
Severity: serious

--- Please enter the report below this line. ---
NetworkManager hangs indefinitely on boot after initializing an ethernet
interface while a link beat is detected - regardless of device module.  The

What do you mean by "hang on boot"? Does it block the boot sequence so other service can't be started (which would justify a severity serious), or does it fail to acquire a dhcp adress. Could you try to get a log file of NetworkManager (either run NetworkManager --no-daemon or grep for NetworkManager in /var/log/syslog).
A strace of the (blocked) NetworkManager process would be helpful too.

only solution to fix it is to actually kill the service:
killall -9 NetworkManager && /etc/init.d/NetworkManager start

Sorry for the lack of technical logs, this bug frustrated me to the point by
which I simply purged the packages (network-manager and
network-manager-kde).  Fortunately, this bug is always reproducible for me
across very diverse environments: a desktop using the forcedeth module for
ethernet, a compaq presario 1500 laptop (uses intel modules), and a really
old dell latitude ls series.

To reproduce, set network-manager to run on the runlevel that X would be on
and reboot with an rj45 connection hot to a simple home router (netgear,
linksys, d-link, the usual).

I can't reproduce your problem here. Do you use static IPs, dhcp, anything special?

--- System information. ---
Architecture: i386
Kernel:       Linux 2.6.24-

Debian Release: lenny/sid
  500 unstable        sidux.net
  500 unstable        ftp.de.debian.org
  500 unstable        ftp-mirror.internap.com
  500 gutsy           download.tuxfamily.org
    1 experimental    ftp.de.debian.org

--- Package information. ---
Depends                   (Version) | Installed
adduser                             | 3.107
dbus                      (>= 0.60) | 1.2.1-1
dhcdbd                  (>= 1.12-2) | 3.0-4
hal                    (>= | 0.5.11~rc2-1
ifupdown                            | 0.6.8
iproute                             | 20080108-1
iputils-arping                      | 3:20071127-1
libc6                    (>= 2.7-1) | 2.7-10
libdbus-1-3              (>= 1.1.1) | 1.2.1-1
libdbus-glib-1-2          (>= 0.74) | 0.74-2
libgcrypt11              (>= 1.4.0) | 1.4.1-1
libglib2.0-0            (>= 2.16.0) | 2.16.3-2
libgpg-error0              (>= 1.4) | 1.4-2
libhal1                (>= | 0.5.11~rc2-1
libiw29              (>= 28+29pre7) | 29-1
libnl1                              | 1.1-2
libnm-util0                         | 0.6.6-1
lsb-base                 (>= 3.0-6) | 3.2-10
wpasupplicant            (>= 0.4.8) | 0.6.3-1


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