
On Apr 15, 11:18pm, Joerg Schilling wrote:
> > Ehm, no, manpage naming binaries differently than they are named in 
> > filesystem
> > is not actually correct.
> The star man page names the binaries the same way they are in the filesystem.
> Where do you see problems?
You seem to forget that the binaries names are changed so they do not clash
with other packages.

> If you are _missing_ software at Debian, you may like to check out the schily
> source consolidation at:

You don't understand.

> > Yeah, particularily the one where you suggested to use tooling from outside
> > distribution. Do i have to dig it up?
> ???? I have no idea what you are talking about.

Then I'll have to dig this up in my archives.

> If you believe that you are clever enough to write a working "make clean" for
> the schily makefilesystem - please send a patch, you are welcome! You could 
> make

No, I'm not going to fix either your makefilesystem nor automake, bjam or any
other buildprocess I consider unnecessarily complicated. Also because doing
things the way I consider "the right way" would require changes everywhere, so
it would be pointless. And it would be just like "telling everyone and
everywhere that everything they do is wrong" I don't like.
So no, I don't intend to interfere with your development.

> > Obviously this works much better when the upstream author's attitude is far
> > from telling everyone and everywhere that everything they do is wrong.
> Sorry, I am just telling you how to do things right. You may follow this 
> advise 

No, not at all.
Just a few samples:

| I recommend to through away the sources

| Another hint: Forget what the Linux kernel crew says - they don't understand
| the Linux kernel....

| Linux is the most self incompatible OS I know

Try not to be rude then people will like to cooperate with you. Really.

Best regards,


 (___)  | Pawel Wiecek ----------------- Coven / Svart --------------------- |
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