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Davide Prina wrote:

> you can solve your problems with nice!
> If you don't know nice, then see
> $ man nice
> There are two possible solution:
> 1) modify the iceweasel bash script:
> - edit /usr/lib/iceweasel/iceweasel as root
> - go to end of file
> - change line
>     exec_verbose ${MOZ_PROGRAM} "$@"
>   with
>     exec_verbose nice -n 5 ${MOZ_PROGRAM} "$@"
> Note: if you upgrade Iceweasel you need to apply this patch again
> 2) modify all iceweasel icon and menu entry adding
>    nice -5 to the program command
>    Note: to edit menu probably you need to install a program like
>          alacarte
>    Select menu entry or icon, click right mouse button and select
>    propriety
>    In the edit box "command" add "nice -n 5 " at start
> You can test it starting iceweasel in a shell script (you must close all
> iceweals windows previously):
> $ nice -n 5 iceweasel &
> Ciao
> Davide

Thanks for your answer.

I'm testing your first solution.

Take note, I'm now under lenny/sid (even if the problem is still there)
and I have today a lot of updates to do (700 MB of updating).

I will inform you when I will have done the updates and when I will wait
for few days to see if Icewasel still slows down the computer even if I
find that the computer slows down less than before but I believe that
there are other softwares that slow down the computer (like liferea,
icedove..) and I'm going to look for a solution for these softwares or
I'm going  to try the suggested solution (the first)

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Shams Fantar (Website : http://snurf.info)
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