On Thu, May 12, 2005 at 10:47:19PM +0100, Mark Brown wrote:
> The smlnj package build attempts to download files from a web site
> during the build.  Aside from being a policy violation, this means that
> the package cannot be built on machines disconnected from the internet
> and will become unbuildable should upstream stop distributing the
> relevant files.

SML/NJ requires the smlnj compiler to build just like gcc requires a C 
compiler. We don't require gcc to be built from first principles. 

The actual package build doesn't require any downloads. The binary
needed to compile is contained in the binary package. I believe
the cmucl package uses the same technique, although I could be mistaken.

Blah, i dont agree that this a policy violation, but I'll do it anyway.
It would help out with the logistical problems I have trying to 
release the package.


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