> I start up gvim on a file, and I get a horrible gumby double-spaced
> font (I can provide a screenshot if desired). The font is Sans 12.

Did you specifically set 'guifont' to Sans 12 or are you just assuming
that's what it is because that's what the font selector has selected
when you open it?

> If I change the font (via Edit|Select font...) to say Bitstream Vera
> Sans Mono 12, the spacing is better (and the window size changes
> accordingly).
> If I then change the font back to Sans 12, the window size changes to
> totally larger dimensions than the original window when the font was
> Sans 12.

I don't think the font was ever set to Sans 12 to begin with.  Sans 12
is not a monospace font (which is why it looks so horrible).  As a test,
add "set guifont=Sans\ 12" to your .gvimrc and then start gvim.  That
should exhibit the same behavior as when you manually selected the font.

Also, reading ":he 'guifont'" indicates that if 'guifont' isn't
specifically set, then gvim chooses some sane default.

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