Dear Kapil,

  Thank you for the prompt answer. I am not an expert in type-setting
however I have noticed two things which makes the conversion tex4ht
does problematic. First, when you open the html file using a browser,
the ff,fi,... combination look different than the rest of the text
(blurred). Second, the funny conversion makes it hard to apply
post-processors, such as spell checkers and syntax checkers to the
html file.
  you are probably right that by creating an htf file this can be
done. However, I would expect that this would be the default behavior,
hence I do not think that the user should be bothered with doing that.
Nevertheless, I might be wrong ...

  thank you once again,


On 5/4/05, Kapil Hari Paranjape <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear Ran Gilad-Bachrach,
> Thanks for your report.
> On Wed, May 04, 2005 at 03:58:36PM +0300, Ran Gilad-Bachrach wrote:
> > tex4ht makes use of unicode letter when this is not needed. This happens 
> > when
> > the latex code contains the sequence "ff" or "fi" and maybe other 
> > sequences. For
> > example, here is a latex code and the html code generated by ht4tex and 
> > htlatex. Note how
> > the sequence "fi" was translated to &#xFB01;
> Could you please tell me why you think this is a bug? Please keep the
> following in mind.
> 1. TeX4HT tries as much as possible to be *like* TeX except that it
>    outputs hypertext.
> 2. TeX uses ligatures whenever it encounters ff, fi, fl and so on.
> 3. It *is* possible for you to define an alternate mechanism to avoid
>    ligatures---create your own htf files which skip the ligatures.
> Thanks and best regards,
> Kapil.
> --

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