On 04/01/2008, Ryan Schultz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thursday 03 January 2008 04:44:54 pm you wrote:
> > thanks for your comments, I basically agree.
> > The thing is that bluez-gnome contains a passkey agent (and so does
> > kdebluetooth) and you are supposed to have one.
> >
> > I think I'll downgrade bluez-gnome into suggests
> Perhaps the 'bluetooth' package should contain the Recommends instead? That

That is just as bad. bluetooth is a meta package that should pull in
the bluetooth stack. The separation between gnome, kde or xfce should
be done by the specific environment package.

And, AFAIK, not even using "bluez-gnome | kdebluetooth" is a good idea
since apt will prefer the first one. So what you might be looking for
is a "Recommends: desktop-bluez", where "desktop-bluez" is a virtual
package provided by any of the two (or more) desktop specific
packages. But even so, apt's choice from the two might be

> way users that don't want a particular set of desktop things installed can
> install bluez-utils alone, and everyone else can just install 'bluetooth' and
> forget about it.

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