Package: gnome-alsamixer
Version: 0.9.7~cvs.20060916-1

In src/gam-app.h, we could add a coma(,)  to the delimiters characters that 
should be replaced:
#define GAM_CONFIG_DELIMITERS   " &()+/,"
I had the same problem than in the 2 previous messages.
I have an emu10k1 chip (Creative Labs SB Live! audio controller). The mixer is 
recognized as "SigmaTel STAC9721,23". The presence of the coma in the name 
makes gnome-alsamixer output warnings.

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Téléchargez GRATUITEMENT Windows Live Toolbar aujourd'hui !
*** src/gam-app.h.old	2008-01-03 23:11:33.000000000 +0100
--- src/gam-app.h	2008-01-03 23:23:34.000000000 +0100
*** 26,32 ****
! #define GAM_CONFIG_DELIMITERS   " &()+/"
  #define GAM_TYPE_APP            (gam_app_get_type ())
  #define GAM_APP(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((obj), GAM_TYPE_APP, GamApp))
--- 26,32 ----
! #define GAM_CONFIG_DELIMITERS   " &()+/,"
  #define GAM_TYPE_APP            (gam_app_get_type ())
  #define GAM_APP(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((obj), GAM_TYPE_APP, GamApp))

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