On Monday 24 December 2007 14:50:27 Ondrej Certik wrote:
> I am just used to, that if something doesn't work, to report a bug,
> because there is always a way to fix it in Debian (main). Another reason
> to only use Debian main
> and forget about these non-free things, that (by definition) don't work.
> I like googleearth, but it's really a shame, that we are forbidden to
> fix such bugs
> and to make it work for me.

Yeah, it's quite unfortunate -- I would love to support Google Earth if it 
were open source.

Anyway, if you need to use Google Earth, hopefullu googleearth-package helps 
make it easier to manage. I'm always happy to receive bug reports or 
patches to improve googleearth-package itself.

Wesley J. Landaker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <xmpp:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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