shakti:~# /usr/sbin/mkinitrd -o /tmp/foo 2.6.10-1-k7
File descriptor 3 left open
File descriptor 4 left open
File descriptor 5 left open
File descriptor 6 left open
File descriptor 7 left open
    Finding all volume groups
    Finding volume group "shaktivg"
/usr/sbin/mkinitrd: add_modules_dep_2_5: modprobe failed
FATAL: Module lvm_mod not found.
WARNING: This failure MAY indicate that your kernel will not boot!
but it can also be triggered by needed modules being compiled into
the kernel.
I didn't try booting with this image.

shakti:~# dpkg -l | grep initrd-tools
ii  initrd-tools   0.1.78         tools to create initrd image for

On 4/28/2005 4:26 AM, maximilian attems wrote:
> tags 288011 moreinfo
> thanks
>>Package: initrd-tools
>>Version: 0.1.76
>>Severity: normal
>>Running 2.4.27, trying to create an initrd for 2.6.9.
>>shakti:~# mkinitrd  -o /tmp/foo 2.6.9-2-k7 
>>/usr/sbin/mkinitrd: add_modules_dep_2_5: modprobe failed
>>FATAL: Module lvm_mod not found.
>>WARNING: This failure MAY indicate that your kernel will not boot!
>>but it can also be triggered by needed modules being compiled into
>>the kernel.
>>I have my root on LVM on top of SW Raid1.  
> this should have been fixed in Version 0.1.77,
> can you still reproduce this?
> thanks for your feeback.
> --
> maks


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