found 454660 1.3.0~svn20071129-1

El jue, 06-12-2007 a las 23:15 +0100, Julien BLACHE escribió:
> Rene Mayorga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> > Anyway, I'm not source is this worth an upload, 1.3 is almost out, and
> > the bug doesn't exist there 
> in 1.3 isn't radius-enabled either in the current state. I'll
> probably enable the three methods in the next upload.

when I build 1.3 package from experimental I has ENABLE_RADIUS_ACC=true
as env var at my work station.
I'm market the bug as found at 1.3.

> Or were you only reporting the warning it outputs in this case?
> JB.

BTW regarding to your previous mail; I'm using postgresql and Radius
accounting with 1.2 and there is no problem, I did'nt try using it with

I have commit access at pkg-voip svn if you're busy I can add the proper
patch there.


Rene Mauricio Mayorga   |          GPG: A209C305     |          
08B6 58AB A691 DD56 C30B  8D37 8040 19FA A209 C305

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