* Moritz Muehlenhoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-11-29 00:12]:
> Steffen Joeris wrote:
> > CVE-2007-6103: 
> > 
> > I Hear U (IHU) 0.5.6 and earlier allows remote attackers to cause (1) a
> > denial of service (infinite loop) via a packet that contains zero in the
> > size field in its header, which is improperly handled by the
> > Receiver::processPacket function; and (2) a denial of service (daemon
> > crash) via an (a) IHU_INFO_INIT or a (b) IHU_INFO_RING packet that does
> > not specify the mode, which is improperly handled by the Player::ring
> > function in Player.cpp.
> > 
> > When you fix this, please mention the CVE id in your changelog.
> > Thanks for your efforts.
> I'm not convinced that this is more than a regular bug: ihu is
> | Description: Qt VoIP softphone with an own, encrypted protocol
> | IHU creates an audio stream between two computers easily and with the 
> minimal
> | traffic on the network.
> Performing the "attack" described above is effectively a creative way to
> hang up. We wouldn't call hanging up remote DoS either...

This seems to be for #453280 :)
Kind regards

Nico Golde - http://www.ngolde.de - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - GPG: 0x73647CFF
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