On Thu, Apr 28, 2005 at 09:07:19AM -0700, Benjamin Redelings I wrote:
> Domenico Andreoli wrote:
> >hi, i don't think this will happen any time before sarge release, when
> >gcc-4.0 becomes the default compiler. at that time boost will have
> >version 1.33.x or more.
> gcc-4.0 will actually become the default compiler after the sarge 
> release, skipping gcc-3.4?  If so, that's cool :)

yes. please read http://lists.debian.org/debian-release/2005/04/msg00146.html

> I was assuming something more along the lines of providing versioned 
> *.so files.  I'm not sure if putting the BOOST version in the so-name is 
> standard, but perhaps you could boot the libstdc++ version in there also.

and double the resources required for build? this would kill slow

> >probably we can work around this. i'm thinking at uploading such version
> >of boost, built with gcc-4.0, to experimental.
> That would be cool :)
> I'm quite comfortable using things from experimental.

actually boost 1.32.0 is not tested with gcc 4.0. probably i'll upload
it built using gcc 3.4.


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