On Sat, Nov 17, 2007 at 11:09:36 +1100 (+1100), Jamie Wilkinson wrote:
> This one time, at band camp, Adrian Bridgett wrote:
> >Package: osirisd
> >Version: 4.2.0-2.1
> >
> >The presinst creates /var/lib/osirisd owned by osirisd as a sid effect
> >of the adduser command.  If the user already exists (in LDAP in our
> >case) then the directory is not created and startup fails.

Oh dear - I obviously had a bad typing day! "preinst" and "side
effect" :)

> The directory is created by adduser, yes, and on package purge both the
> directory and user are removed.   You have to have removed the directory
> yourself after removing the package, without also removing the user, for
> this to break.

Not at all - LDAP is setup, the user exists in LDAP.  I then install
osiris on a box (which has never had osiris on it).  adduser sees the
existing user and so does not create the directory.


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