
On Mon, Apr 25, 2005 at 10:11:55PM -0300, Marco T�lio Gontijo e Silva wrote:
> Em Seg, 2005-04-25 �s 23:42 +0200, Osamu Aoki escreveu:
> > Changed "has" to "provides" and added footnote.  What do you think?
> > 
> > I changed to "provides" since some package generates these from SGML or
> > TeX source file sets.  So we may not be just copying files.
> > 
> > Also this can be done with script within build target of debian/rules
> > file to.  So many ways to do this.  So I want to keep it generic with
> > minimum hints.
> I think that the problem is in not saying anywhere in the whole
> maint-guide how the .html files were installed. Isn't the propose of the
> maint-guide to explicitly explain how the gentoo example package was
> generated? Somewhere, the guy that wants to package gentoo or any other
> package with .html docs will have to install it.
Initilally, your mesage made sense but where in the maint-guide
explicitly explain how the binary commands are created and installed.

I think this document asumes the reader to know how to install tar-ball
under TARGETDIR=/usr/local.  So these basics are not explained.

> If someone have a package with .html docs and want to learn how to
> debianize it, maint-guide will fail on teaching, because it says about
> registering but it doesn't says about installing. And installing is a
> prerequisite for registering.

I do not think Debian packages random html files.  It usually packages
SGML/XML/LaTEx generated html files.  I know some package use upstream
html files for the sake of reducing dependency. But those maintainer
knows alternatives too.

> Isn't it illogical? Teaching how to register a file that you haven't
> teach how to install?

It is not illogical.  But who should write it in which part of document.
Yes, I am talking about byurden of efforts in volunteer project.

Also what is the priority for the shortcomming of the document.

For me, if I have time, I would rather give more detailed guidance on
how to package auto-tools based packages.  Although I do mostly
documentation things, Debian's core competence is binary packages with
commands not documents.  So unless I get very brief and good alternative
text on your line of "wishlist", I can not include it.  Otherwise, I
think my recent change proposal may bew not worth doing it if you do not
care it as a good improvement. 

> That's what my bug was about.

So now is your time to propose a solid alternative text :-)

Do folowings:
$ sudo apt-get update
$ apt-get source maint-guide
$ ls maint-*
$ cd maint-guide*
$ mc # edit files

Send me your text proposal.

I think Debian BTS should be used to improve Debian.


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