On Tue, 2005-04-26 at 16:50 -0400, Chris Capoccia wrote:

> i'm not sure whether this is a leak or a normal report, but the first
> subdirectory i picked finished and reported some data.

That's a leak, and one which I have been trying to fix.  Did you manage
to install the newer version of fontconfig that I sent along?  I
neglected to update the .so version number in the proposed package that
I sent you, so I can't tell what's up in this case.

If you have managed to install the newer package and it's still causing
problems, I believe we've discovered another leak in libc.  I found one
such leak and managed to work around it by using private transcoding
routines for UTF16-BE->UTF-8.  If there are more such leaks, we'll
probably have to push this up to the libc maintainers and get them

Oh, did I mess up and send you only the fontconfig package and leave out
the libfontconfig1_2.3.2-1_i386.deb package?  That would certainly
explain a lot here.  If so, I can send that along to you without filling
up the bug report with it and we can check the right package...


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