Dear Debian maintainer,

On Wednesday, September 19, 2007, I sent you a notification about the beginning 
of a review
action on debconf templates for ampache.

Then, I sent you a bug report with rewritten templates and announcing
the beginning of the second phase of this action: call for translation

Translators have been working hard and here is now the result of their efforts.

Please consider using it EVEN if you committed files to your
development tree as long as they were reported.

This is really important for Ampache as two glitches were discovered
by one of the translators, see #446006, *after* the call for
translations was sent.

So, all PO files sent by translators were *reworked* by me so that
fixing the glitch doesn't make them outdated.

So, really, please use PO files from the attached tarball

The attached tarball contains:

- debian/changelog with the list of changes
- debian/control with rewrites of packages' descriptions
- debian/<templates> with all the rewritten templates file(s)
- debian/po/*.po with all PO files (existing ones and new ones)

As said, please use *at least* the PO files as provided here,
preferrably over those sent by translators in their bug reports. All
of them have been checked and reformatted. In some cases, formatting
errors have been corrected.

The patch.rfr file contains a patch for the templates and control
file(s) alone.

Please note that this patch applies to the templates and control
file(s) of your package as of Wednesday, September 19, 2007. If your package 
was updated
in the meantime, I may have updated my reference copy....but I also
may have missed that. This is indeed why I suggested you do not
modified such files while the review process was running,

It is now safe to upload a new package version with these changes.

Please notify me of your intents with regards to this. 

There is of course no hurry to update your package but feel free to
contact me in case you would need sponsoring or any other action to
fix this.


Attachment: patch.tar.gz
Description: Binary data

--- ampache.old/debian/ampache.templates        2007-09-15 11:34:38.975613163 
+++ ampache/debian/ampache.templates    2007-10-10 07:07:01.577685562 +0200
@@ -1,10 +1,22 @@
+# These templates have been reviewed by the debian-l10n-english
+# team
+# If modifications/additions/rewording are needed, please ask
+# [EMAIL PROTECTED] for advice.
+# Even minor modifications require translation updates and such
+# changes should be coordinated with translators and reviewers.
 Template: ampache/configure-webserver
 Type: boolean
 Default: true
-_Description:  Configure Apache2 webserver? 
+_Description: Configure Apache 2 web server for use with Ampache?
 Template: ampache/restart-webserver
 Type: boolean
 Default: true
-_Description:  Restart Apache2 webserver?
+_Description: Restart Apache 2 web server?
+ The Apache 2 web server needs to be restarted to enable Ampache. Please
+ choose whether you want to restart it automatically now or do it yourself
+ later.
--- ampache.old/debian/control  2007-09-15 11:34:38.975613163 +0200
+++ ampache/debian/control      2007-10-03 07:18:31.704105353 +0200
@@ -9,14 +9,14 @@
 Architecture: all
 Depends: debconf (>= 0.5) | debconf-2.0, po-debconf, apache2-mpm-prefork, 
php5, php5-mysql, php5-gd, php5-cli
 Recommends: phpmyadmin, mysql-server-5.0
-Description: A web based audio file management system written in PHP
- Ampache is a Web-based Audio file manager. It is implemented with MySQL,
- and PHP. It allows you to view, edit, and play your audio files via the
+Description: web-based audio file management system
+ Ampache is a web-based audio file manager implemented with PHP and
+ MySQL which allows viewing, editing, and playing audio files via the
  web. It has support for playlists, artist and album views, album art,
- random play, playback via Http/On the Fly Transcoding and Downsampling,
- Vote based playback, Mpd and Icecast, Integrated Flash Player, as well
- as per user themes and song play tracking. You can also Link multiple
- Ampache servers togeather using XML-RPC. Ampache supports GETTEXT
- translations and has a full translation of many languages.
+ random or vote-based play and per-user play-tracking/theming.
+ Playback may be via HTTP, on-the-fly transcoding and downsampling,
+ Mpd/Icecast, or integrated Flash player. Multiple Ampache servers can
+ be linked together using XML-RPC. The software is fully localized in many
+ languages.
- Homepage:
+  Homepage:
--- ampache.old/debian/changelog        2007-09-15 11:34:38.975613163 +0200
+++ ampache/debian/changelog    2007-10-23 20:28:39.661131150 +0200
@@ -1,3 +1,26 @@
+ampache ( UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+  * Debconf templates and debian/control reviewed by the debian-l10n-
+    english team as part of the Smith review project.
+    Closes: #445084, #446006
+  * [Debconf translation updates]
+  * Tamil. Closes: #445597
+  * Portuguese. Closes: #445606
+  * Czech. Closes: #445654
+  * Basque. Closes: #445949
+  * German. Closes: #446006
+  * Russian. Closes: #446142
+  * Finnish. Closes: #446407
+  * French. Closes: #446553
+  * Italian. Closes: #446591
+  * Italian. Closes: #446591
+  * Italian. Closes: #446591
+  * Galician. Closes: #446605
+  * Vietnamese. Closes: #446987
+  * Brazilian Portuguese. Closes: #447758
+ -- Christian Perrier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Tue, 23 Oct 2007 20:28:39 +0200
 ampache ( unstable; urgency=low
     * Initial release (Closes: #407337)  

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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