On Sat, Oct 20, 2007 at 04:57:05PM +0200, Tom Parker wrote:

> Attempts to run update-apt-xapian-index with python-xapian 0.9.9-1.1
> (current stable) results in the following:
> Upgrading python-xapian to 1.0.2-1 (current testing) fixes the problem.

Thanks for trying update-apt-xapian-index.

update-apt-xapian-index needs features of Xapian that were not present
nor working before 1.0.2.  update-apt-xapian-index should hopefully
enter lenny, but in no way it is intended for etch.

So, if the bug is (as I understand it) that update-apt-xapian-index
doesn't work in testing, then the severity is definitely not important
and I don't intend to fix it.

If instead the bug is that update-apt-xapian-index should declare a
versioned dependency, I agree, indeed it should, and after reading your
report I've already committed the change in the repository and it will
be fixed in the next version.  But then, you could have said it clearly



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