On Mon, Oct 08, 2007 at 02:57:42PM +0000, Ganael LAPLANCHE wrote:
> On Mon, 08 Oct 2007 14:10:21 +0200, Pierre Habouzit wrote
> Hi Pierre,
> > > Unless you're running grsecurity or some other patched kernel, the
> > > following cannot be good:
> > > 
> > >     $LDAPPASSWDBIN -w "$BINDPWD" -D "$BINDDN" -xH "ldap://$SERVER"; -s "$1"
> > > "$2" 2>>"$LOGFILE" 1>/dev/null
> Thanks for the forward.
> Two passwords appear in clear-text format here : $BINDPWD (the one used for 
> any
> ldapscripts connection) and $1 (the new one, to be changed for a given user).
> The first one appears in any function defined in the runtime file (easy to 
> grep
> : BINDPWD), the second one is only used in _changepassword() to change a 
> user's
> password.
> Is it a matter of making the first one appear ? The second one, or both ? I
> understand these security issues, but my opinion is the scripts should only be
> used by a small set of users (e.g. *very* limited rx access to a specific
> user/group for config, runtime and script files). Since the password (at least
> the one used for binding) has to be sent clear-text to the LDAP directory, it
> has to be stored clear-text somewhere locally, and thus, any allowed user can
> source the conf file. I'm not sure storing it in a temp file would solve the
> problem...
> Any further explanation of the problem is welcome since I am not sure to
> understand the problem correctly...

  The issue is that when the commands are run, the arguments can be seen
in clear text in `ps aux` output.

  So not only that script has the issue, the parts where you sed -e
"s/<password>/$PASSWORD/g" are vulnerable too.

  I understand the issue is not that obvious to fix, but this is an
issue in a multiuser environment, even if small (in my company we use
ldap, we don't want our interns to run busy psaux loops to steal the
ldap password …).

·O·  Pierre Habouzit
··O                                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
OOO                                                http://www.madism.org

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